Kärcher MIC 26

Kein Bild
Dealer number OLF3075208
Pris inkl. skatt 19 % 82.610 €
Pris exkl. skatt 69.420 €
Fabrikat Kärcher
Modell MIC 26
Årsmodell 2023
Ytterligare information
Typ: Ny maskin
Fabrikat: Kärcher
Modell: MIC 26
Årsmodell: 2023
Effekt: 19 KW (26 Hk)
Hastighet km/h: 20
Tillåten totalvikt (t): 1.75
Kubikinnehåll: 1116


Kärcher sweeper MIC 26 Orange
3 brush system/ 2 brushes PPN/3.brushes steel
Color package municipal orange
Headlights right-hand traffic
ABS rear weight Trailer coupling
ABS license plate Sweeper container
ABS reversing light
ABS warning tapes
Warning triangle
ABS Water dosage
ABS Broom holder
ABS Dirt scraper
Sweeping unit complete MIC 26 2 brooms PPN
Color variants large orange MC 50
Color variants large orange MC 50
ABS water recycling
ABS hand suction hose
ABS weed brush
ABS heated side mirrors
ABS Comfort seat with air suspension
ABS Wired reversing camera
ABS Radio CD and MP3
Lawn tires
ABS Conservation
Manual MIC 26C Region 1
Implement carrier MC 50 Adv
Freight costs tractor
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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TecVis GmbH
Weseler Str. 603
48163 Münster

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please call us.

02504 / 888 65 20