Krone TX 460 D

Dealer number 300147640
Pris inkl. skatt 19 % 75.565 €
Pris exkl. skatt 63.500 €
Fabrikat Krone
Modell TX 460 D
Årsmodell 2023
Ytterligare information
Typ: Ny maskin
Fabrikat: Krone
Modell: TX 460 D
Årsmodell: 2023


TX 460 D
Krone forage harvester wagon
200560110 TX 460 D
TT_1710 Low drive with drawbar
TT_0297 800/45 R 26.5 TL 174 D 10-hole tires
TT_3968 Tandem, hydraulic equalization, steered, compressed air B+ALB
TT_0655 Bottom hitch ball head K80
TT_0810 Drawbar suspension
TT_1402 Metering unit / 2 rollers
TT_1550 Hydraulic unloading aid
TT_1310 Load compartment cover
B_142 LED headlights
B_091 40 km/h version
Automatic translation from German without guarantee.
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