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Begagnad Krone Big Pack 1290 Xc Balpressar

Krone × Modell: Big Pack 1290 Xc ×
Krone Big Pack 1290 XC HDP
Årsmodell 2019,
Antal: 10818-40132
D. Lankhorst & Co. GmbH, DE - 48488 Emsbüren

181.475 €

Inkl. moms 19 %

152.500 € Netto

Krone Big Pack 1290 XC HDP
Årsmodell 2020,
Antal: ATC2957316
AGRAVIS Technik Center GmbH, DE - 39240 Calbe / Saale

136.731 €

Inkl. moms 19 %

114.900 € Netto

Krone Big Pack 1290 XC
Årsmodell 2021, 11140 Balar,
Antal: 11218472
BayWa GMZ Manching, DE - 85077 Manching
This ad will be part of a soon coming auction.

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